Saturday, June 6, 2009

Flummoxed...also, hi!

First blog post ever, and I'm afraid it's sort of a rant. Can we talk a little bit about music today? I'll admit, most of this is coming from some lazy Saturday night "VH1's 100 Greatest Songs of the 80s" watching, but seriously folks, wtf is up with music today? Wtf is up with music in the last, I don't know, decade? And don't even talk to me about Dave Matthews Band being legendary, or we're going to have our first come to Jesus moment on this site and it's too early for that shizz.

Are you going to sit there and tell me that The Fray is the second coming of AC/DC? That Judas Priest has been reborn in the form of the Kings of Leon? Are you kidding me?! I know I'm being nostalgic and I know that music has to change and evolve, but I have a hard time believing that all-girl bands like The Bangles would have an easy time swallowing acts like the Spice Girls or even Lady GaGa. 

I listen to "One" or "With or Without You" and the amount of goosebumps that sprout on my entire body gives me chills. Michael Hutchence and his band of merry Aussie men make me long for the day when a simple guitar riff could cause your body to feel ways you needed to confess to a priest later. 

I just don't sense any sort of longevity with bands anymore. I know the Rolling Stones are half dead, but they continue to put on a better show and for more people than anyone manufactured by the Disney Channel or pulled out of a hole-in-the-wall bar in downtown Minneapolis.

I only hope that kids today have parents like mine who push the old music, classic rock, and that bands like those that emerged in the early to mid 90s continue to find their way into the mainstream and onto the radio, because I honestly feel like that was the last time in history that any band with real talent and heart was given the chance they deserved.

I'm going to go listen to some Pearl Jam now, maybe wash it down with a little Hall and Oates.

*Disclaimer and shameless plug: I still love you and your band, boyfriend. See www.myspace/wearecountrymice.


  1. my ipod is very full of classic rock, and sometimes i feel like i'm missing out on new music to put on it. so then i listen to the radio for awhile, and it makes me sad.

    also, hi!

  2. i could write many epic posts on my loathing for dave matthews band.
